Today I am going to be posting pictures of guinea pigs in adorable Halloween costumes. If you have or are planning to get a pet guinea pig you probably shouldn't dress them up for Halloween because they probably won't like it too much. Guinea pigs are protective animals and wouldn't at all enjoy going around in Halloween costumes and collecting candy. Just because you can put your guinea pig in a Halloween costume doesn't mean I that you should. Although it is cute to look at pictures of them in cute costumes!
Fun facts Guinea pigs originally come from the Andes mountains in South America. A baby guinea pig is called a pup. Guinea pigs are not actually pigs they are rodents. When they sense there owner is nearby they will squeak to get attention. Guinea pigs will not bite for protection they will bite your hand because they think its food. When they live in the wild, guinea pigs go around in herds. Guinea pigs teeth are constantly growing. They always need things to gnaw on. The longest guinea pig lived 15 years. Guinea pigs have a total of 258 bones in there whole body. Care tip-Make sure you give your guinea pig a carrot a day. Its a good part of their healthy diet.😀😀😃😂🐹
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