
Today I am going to be posting pictures of guinea pigs in adorable Halloween costumes. If you have or are planning to get a pet guinea pig you probably shouldn't dress them up for Halloween because they probably won't like it too much. Guinea pigs are protective animals and wouldn't at all enjoy going around in Halloween costumes and collecting candy. Just because you can put your guinea pig in a Halloween costume doesn't mean I that you should. Although it is cute to look at pictures of them in cute costumes!
Today I am going to be posting some adorable pictures and writing about guinea pigs. Most of you probably don't know all of the different types of guinea pigs. That is perfectly normal considering that I don't even know all of the different breeds. I'll post  pictures of  mostly all the different breeds of guinea pigs. I wont research all the different types but I will research the breed that is so silky it's called a Silkie. Here are just a few more adorable types of guinea pigs... Here is my research about Silkies. They are adorable and as you can see in the picture above are very soft and silkie. There hair is very long. The silkie guinea pig is a unique breed of guinea pig and is most recognized for there long wild hair. The silkie is popular for being a domestic pet but  also does extremely well against other breeds in show room competitions. There diet mainly consists of timothy hay, food pellets, water, fruits with vitamin c, and vegetables. A  healthy die...
This week I'm going to be posting some stuff about guinea pigs and really cute pictures. I think that people don't really care about guinea pigs and all small rodents. I think the opposite and know that you do too. If you get a pet guinea pig just remember that they aren't just useless animals and they have important lives too, even if you don't think this. If you already have or are planning to get one soon just remember to take care of them well and play with them at least twice a week. This is a good habit to get into so that they can run around and get some exercise. If you buy an outdoor cage for them you can let them run around in it. They need to eat grass and clovers, its part of their healthy diet. One more thing you can do is give them a carrot a day. If you do all of these things then your guinea pig is on track to a long healthy life, and I'm sure that your guinea pig will thank you very much.
Today I am going to be posting funny and a cute video of guinea pigs. But first here are some cute pictures. Here is a cute video.   Here is a tip on how to take care of them well, Change out there water once a day and if you forget things easily then just give them two water containers. Please leave a comment below                          thank you
Fun facts Guinea pigs originally come from the Andes mountains in South America. A baby guinea pig is called a pup.  Guinea pigs are not actually pigs they are rodents. When they sense there owner is nearby they will squeak to get attention. Guinea pigs will not bite for protection they will bite your hand because they think its food. When they live in the wild, guinea pigs go around in herds.  Guinea pigs teeth are constantly growing. They always need things to gnaw on. The longest guinea pig lived 15 years. Guinea pigs have a total of 258 bones in there whole body. Care tip-Make sure you give your guinea pig a carrot a day. Its a good part  of their healthy diet.😀😀😃😂🐹
Hi its Mia, I'm gonna be the blogger. I'm gonna be posting  all sorts of stuff about guinea pigs that are cute, funny, weird,etc. I am 10 years old and of course have a guinea pig. some people don't think guinea pigs are cute. I think guinea pigs are ADORABLE! On my blog I will also be posting hints about how to take care of them well. You can post comments or ideas for my blog in the comments section below.